Theory and Design of All-Dielectric High-Q Optical Cavities and Metasurfaces

Accueil › Recrutement › Theory and Design of All-Dielectric High-Q Optical Cavities and Metasurfaces

Description : All-dielectric optical nanostructures and metasurfaces are efficient tools for
tailoring light properties since they exhibit weak optical losses and can host optical
resonances. Their numerical design and optimization turns out to be of the uppest
importance for achieving the targeted optical performances.

Research project : In the framework of this project involving all-dielectric optically
resonant nanostructures, two different applications will be addressed. The first will aim
at designing transmission spectral optical filters based on all-dielectric high quality
factor optical nanostructured cavities. The challenge will consist in associating high
quality factor with acceptable angular tolerances and high transmission efficiency. The
second application will target the design of all-dielectric metasurfaces. A particular
attention will be brought on the singularities of the scattering matrix elements of the
metasurface. The spectral response of the metasurface will be optimized and analyzed in
the framework of the singularity expansion method and inverse design will be
implemented for achieving the optimal design.

Laboratoire  : Institut Fresnel, équipe CLARTE

Start date
 : before 01/04/2024

Direction  :
Nicolas BONOD
Interested candidates should send their detailed CV and motivations to Anne-Laure
Fehrembach and Nicolas Bonod.