Mouloud ADEL homepage, Professor at Aix-Marseille Unversity

International journals

[1] S. Allam, M. Adel, P. Réfrégier : Fast Algorithm for texture discrimination by use of a separable orthonormal decomposition of the co-occurrence matrix . Applied Optics, Information Processing , 36(32), 8313-8321, 1997.
[2] A. Barthes, J. Conrath, M. Rasigni, M. Adel, J. P. Petrakian : Mathematical morphology computerized analysis of angiograms in related macular degeneration . Medical Physics, 28, 2410-2419, 2001.
[3] V. Guis, M. Adel, M. Rasigni, G. Rasigni, B. Seradour, P. Heid : Adaptive neighbourhood contrast enhancement in mammographic phantom images . Optical Engineering, 42(2), 357-366, 2003.
[4] M. Adel, V.Guis, M. Rasigni : Etude de la faisabilité du scorage automatique de fantômes mammographiques par traitement d’images . Innovation Technologiques en Biologie et Médecine (ITBM-RBM), 25, 313-323, 2004.
[5] A. Haddouche, M. Adel, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane : Statistical method for foveal detection in retinal angiograms . Electronic Letters, 41(11), May 2005.
[6] A. Rabhi, M. Adel, S. Bourennane : Segmentation d’images ultrasonores par les régions actives géodésiques . Innovation Technologiques en Biologie et Médecine (ITBM-RBM), 27, 8-18, 2006.
[7] M. Adel, D. Zuwala, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane : Noise reduction on mammographic phantom images . Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, 5(4), 64-74, 2006.
[8] M. Adel, D. Zuwala, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane : Enhancement of mammographic phantom features by noise reduction . International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 21(6), 1047-1057, 2007
[9] M. Adel, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane : Statistical segmentation of regions of interest on a mammographic image . Eurasip Journal of Applied Signal Processing, article ID 49482, 8 pages, 2007.
[10] M. Adel, D. Zuwala, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane : Filtering noise on mammographic phantom images using local contrast modification functions . Image and Vision Computing, 26, 1219-1229, 2008
[11] A. Haddouche, M. Adel, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane : Detection of the Foveal Avascular Zone on retinal angiograms using Markov Random Fields . Digital Signal Processing, 20(1), 149-154, 2010.
[10] M. Adel, D. Zuwala, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane : Filtering noise on mammographic phantom images using local contrast modification functions . Image and Vision Computing, 26, 1219-1229, 2008
[12] M. Adel, A. Moussaoui, M. Rasigni, S. Bourennane, L. Hamami : Statistical-based tracking technique for linear structures detection: Application to vessel segmentation in medical images . IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Letters, 17(6), 555-558, 2010.
[13] R. Khelifi, M. Adel, S. Bourennane : "Texture analysis of multispectral prostate tissue using Generalized Grey Level Difference Method". International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Vol 5(2), 78-84, 2012.
[14] Y. Yin, M. Adel, S. Bourennane : "Retinal vessel segmentation using a probabilistic tracking method". Pattern Recognition, 45(4), 1235-1244, 2012.
[15] R. Khelifi, M. Adel, and S. Bourennane : "Multispectral texture characterization : Application to computer aided diagnosis on medical images". EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, doi:10.1186/1687-6180-2012-118, 2012.
[16] Z. Xiao, M. Adel, S. Bourennane, " Bayesian Method with Spatial Constraint for Retinal Vessel Segmentation", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 401413, 9 pages,, 2013.
[17] Y.Yin, M. Adel, S. Bourennane, " Automatic segmentation and measurement of vasculature in retinal fundus images using probabilistic formulation", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 260410, 16 pages,, 2013.
[18] R. Khelifi, M. Adel, S. Bourennane, " Segmentation of multispectral images based on band selection by including texture and mutual information, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 20, 16-23, July 2015.
[19] I. Garali, M. Adel, S. Bourennane, E. Guedj, "Brain Region of Interest Selection for 18FDG Positrons Emission Tomography Computer-aided Image Classification", Innovation and Research in Biomedical Engineering Journal (IRBM) 37, 23-30 , 2016.
[20] I. Garali, M. Adel, S. Bourennane, E. Guedj, "Brain Region Ranking for 18FDG-PET Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal 27, 15-23, 2016.