(Archives) Le Mercredi 8 Décembre 2010 à 14h00 en salle Pierre Cotton, exposé : "Enhancement of Absorption and Scattering by Near-Field effects for Diagnosis, Nano Patterning and Energy Harvesting"

Accueil › Annuaire › (Archives) Le Mercredi 8 Décembre 2010 à 14h00 en salle Pierre Cotton, (...)

Enhancement of Absorption and Scattering by Near-Field effects
for Diagnosis, Nano Patterning and Energy Harvesting

From : M. Pınar Mengüç
Özyeğin University, Istanbul
University of Kentucky, Lexington

Abstract :
Evanescent waves on a surface form due to the collective motion of
charges within the medium. They do not carry any energy away from the
surface and decay exponentially as a function of the distance. However,
if there is any object within the evanescent field, electromagnetic
energy within the medium is tunneled away and either absorbed or
scattered. In this case, the absorption is localized, and potentially it
can be used for selective diagnosis or nanopatterning applications. On
the other hand, scattering of evanescent waves can be employed for
characterization of nanoscale structures and particles on the surface.
In this paper we present a numerical methodology to study the physics of
such absorption and scattering mechanisms. We developed a MATLAB
implementation of discrete dipole approximation with surface interaction
(DDA-SI) in combination with evanescent wave illumination to investigate
the near-field coupling between particles on the surface and a probe.
This method can be used to explore the effects of a number of physical,
geometrical, and material properties for problems involving
nanostructures on or in the proximity of a substrate under arbitrary