Baptiste Blochet, Caltech

Accueil › Animation Scientifique › Baptiste Blochet, Caltech

On Friday March 12th at 11:00 a.m., Baptiste BLOCHET from Changhuei Yang’s group in Caltech will give a on-linbe seminar on Computational adaptive optics with image demixing.

 Here is the zoom link :

Abstract :
Aberrations can prevent optical microscope achieving high resolution images. Classic computational adaptive optics technics, that in postprocessing retrieve high resolution images, tend to fail for strong aberrations. Counterintuitively, we will see in this talk that by degrading even more the PSF of an aberrated incoherent optical system, aberration free images can be recovered. By imposing unknown Speckle-PSFs and treating each individual speckle grain as a blind point source, blind source separation algorithm can recover aberration-free images even under strong aberrations. We will demonstrate our approach by imaging aberrated histological slides and (not perfectly) cleared tissues.

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