Julien FADE, Institut Foton Rennes

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Julien Fade, MCF at Institut Foton (Rennes) will give a seminar entitled " Polarimetric & microwave-photonics-based approaches for the development of unconventional imaging systems " on Tuesday, January 5 at 11:00 a.m. in Pierre Cotton’ Room.

Abstract :
I will present some experimental developments conducted at Institut Foton (Rennes) towards the design of unconventional optical imaging techniques, combining polarimetric and micro-wave photonics approaches. I will first expose how the concept of "orthogonality-breaking" polarimetric sensing [1,2] can prove useful for detection/recognition/identification issues in defense applications in SWIR [3], but also for single-scan polarimetric microscopy for label-free cell imaging [4]. In a second part of the talk, another technique enabling fast snapshot intensity-modulated/demodulation imaging will be presented, whose proof-of-principle has been demonstrated up to 500 kHz so far [5]. The current challenge for this technique is to achieve ultra high-frequency operation (GHz range), since it would pave the way for promising perspectives of ballistic photons imaging in scattering biological tissues [6].

[1] J. Fade & M. Alouini, Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 043901 (2012)
[2] N. Ortega-Quijano, et al., Optics Letters, 40, 1270 (2015)
[3] F. Parnet et al.,Optics Letters, 45, 1423 (2020)
[4] R. Desapogu et al., submitted to Biophys. Journal, (2020) - http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.14490
[5] S. Panigrahi et al., Nature Communications, 11, 549 (2020)
[6] S. Panigrahi et al., Optics Exp., 24, 16066 (2016)

Invitation : Sophie Brasselet, Director of Institut Fresnel