J. MERTZ, Boston University, USA

Accueil › Animation Scientifique › J. MERTZ, Boston University, USA

Friday 9 October 2020 at 14h : J. Mertz (Boston University) Strategies for volumetric microscopy in thick tissue. This will be a zoom only webinar.
Abstract : High resolution volumetric imaging is difficult to perform at high speeds. I will discuss three techniques to address this challenge. The first is designed for large fields of view and is based on distributed-pinhole confocal microscopy. The second is designed for depth penetration in thick tissue and is based on the use of a reverberation cavity in a multiphoton microscope. The third is designed for high speeds and is based on multifocus widefield microscopy with a camera.
Link : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/93812992874?pwd=aXZOd3QrS0trbmVzdjh6WHRaR21Fdz09
Code secret : 3M3v34